Bramblett Quarter Horses | Jim & Debra Bramblett
Gabe Reynolds Cutting Horses | head trainer  | 615-613-4956
Phone: 270.234.3797
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Be certain to check back to see what we are doing at Bramblett Quarter Horses.
In August 2016 we were honored to host a clinic presented by Matt Gaines.

Learn more about Matt at Cutting Horse Training Online.

 This clinic was focused on meeting each rider where they are at, helping them to understand exactly what they are trying to achieve and helping the horse to do it. Not only that, Matt places great emphasis on the mind game and shared how to get your head in the right place for success.

A huge thank you to Matt Gaines and all involved in making this clinic a success!
Web site design & maintenance Livin' It Design & Marketing
 © Bramblett Quarter Horses

2013 $35,000 Non-Pro CHAMPION
6666 Ranch NCHA Eastern National Championships 
Jackson, Mississippi 
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